nice blog... thanks!
New light for you
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"How Did Those Before the WTS Arrived Attain Salvation?" - blog post comparing the WTS boasts with what the Bible actually says
by passwordprotected innew blog looking at the core doctrines of the watch tower society.
worth bookmarking..
For Valentine's Day I made my wife cry
by JimmyPage inwell the fit hit the shan today.. i was lying in bed and my wife was trying to get me up for service.
i kept telling her no.
she kept asking why not.. when i felt the moment was right i talked to her calmly.
New light for you
Ugh. Makes me live thru it all again.
My husband always sucked in the truth, but him being so terrified to tell me, and telling me ... that conversation that he didn't believe it anymore.. i'll never forget.
I turned EXTREMELY self-righteous (suprise suprise) and in my "Defence" of the truth started investigating Russell on Wikipedia... then, in a few weeks, months.. i was down too.
You never know how it will turn out. I love that you are wanting to protect your son from the cult. This year now each of my kids (8 and 5) have had their first birthday parties, xmas... and guess what... NOONE was killed at the events!
Good luck. We're all here.
JW self-defense...WT says we are too slow to use a gun!!!.......
by oompa inyou gotta read this to beleive it!.....lately my mind is teaching s we had that "went beyond what is written" and this subject on self defence has cracked me up!!
! if gotta see this to believe it!....not just guns....but almost everthing is bashed...they did leave out the option of us carrying a sword o.j.
style....or a spear.....this will make my list....(and you can have no privileges if you carry a gun at work...cop or security guard).......... *** g91 7/8 p. 12 self-defensehow far can a christian go?
New light for you
DONT FORGET... if she was being raped, she WOULDN"T want to upset her attacker, because he was a man, and he still was her superior.. you must show respect. DAMMIT i wish i had the refrence to that article in the awake, but i've loaned out my book that has it in there...
So... Defend yourself in rape to the death..... get DFed
Defend yourself in rape..... no DF
Defend yoursel in rape.... i'm gonna say... DFed again...
Yell even if a knife is to your throat... DIE or get DFed...... DFed.
Depends on the way the "light" is hitting you that day.
New light for you
WHY do you CARE????????????????? its now going to offically be called .......
How many JW's left after the 1925 debacle?
by middleman ini'm very interested to see how many left because the "proclaimers" book said it was very few.
it's my understanding that there were over a third that left but i'm not sure of this figure.
if anyone has this info it would be much appreciated-hopefully with a source for verification.
New light for you
Screw society information (lies),... here's wikipedia.....
In January 1917, Joseph Franklin Rutherford was elected president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, despite a series of disputes over the election process. Further disputes arose over interpretation of sections of Russell's Last Will & Testament dealing with the future contents of Zion's Watch Tower magazine, as well as who, if anyone, had authority to print new literature. By the end of the 1920s, nearly three-quarters of existing Bible Student congregations had rejected [citation needed] Rutherford's on-going changes in organizational structure, doctrinal interpretations, and congregational practices, [33] [34] [35] some of which began to appear in material printed by the Watch Tower Society as early as 1917. Many Bible Students were disaffected by Rutherford's rejection of Russell's views regarding his role in the restoration of the "truth" [36] and support of the Great Pyramid as having been built under God's direction [37.
Gotta LOVE the pyrimids!!!!!
Did you like the name "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
by JimmyPage inor did you wish the religion had a more mainstream name?
i can remember a "worldly" schoolmate telling me he wouldn't object to the religion so much if the name didn't sound so weird..
New light for you
ya.. when i was in even it sounded disrespectful, if that was Gods name, to put it out there for people to mess up and make fun of.
Now, i can say...
Did you like the name "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
by JimmyPage inor did you wish the religion had a more mainstream name?
i can remember a "worldly" schoolmate telling me he wouldn't object to the religion so much if the name didn't sound so weird..
New light for you
ya.. when i was in even it sounded disrespectful, if that was Gods name, to put it out there for people to mess up and make fun of.
Now, i can say...
Take the Beliefnet test... and post your results!
by Awakened at Gilead inan atheist friend (never a jw) sent me a link to this fun test:.
turns out i am 100% secular humanist, but unfortunately i am still 5% jw!.
New light for you
i have to look into the quakers... me and free2 think can get baptized together!
Take the Beliefnet test... and post your results!
by Awakened at Gilead inan atheist friend (never a jw) sent me a link to this fun test:.
turns out i am 100% secular humanist, but unfortunately i am still 5% jw!.
New light for you
1. Liberal Quakers(100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism(94%) 3. Reform Judaism(92%) 4. Neo-Pagan(86%) 5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants(85%) 6. Baha'i Faith(84%) 7. Sikhism(76%) 8. Mahayana Buddhism(76%) 9. New Age(75%) 10. Secular Humanism(74%) 11. Orthodox Judaism(72%) 12. Theravada Buddhism(70%) 13. Orthodox Quaker(69%) 14. Jainism(69%) 15. Islam(66%) 16. New Thought(59%) 17. Hinduism(55%) 18. Scientology(55%) 19. Nontheist(54%) 20. Taoism(50%) 21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant(44%) 22. Seventh Day Adventist(41%) 23. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)(38%) 24. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)(35%) 25. Eastern Orthodox(34%) 26. Roman Catholic(34%) 27. Jehovah's Witness(24%) I'm again in the minority!!! WAAAAAAA!!!
The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa inso i go to the trader joes the other day and notice a really attractive .
woman in produce, but i can't place i follow her over to the bread aisle, and got a better view of her face....but still could not figure out where i knew her i finally said "excuse me, but you look so familiar, i almost know we have met before.
she looks me right in the eyes and says, (without smiling) "'i'm pretty sure you're the father of one of my kids.
New light for you
I was walking thru the forest one day ... a tree fell.. and i couldn't hear it.